

Olli SK


                     Members Page

Hello, my name is Paul KF7HMS #1642 and my wife's name is Vicky KF7HMT 1642 & 1/2. I have a boat anchor FT 101 a Kenwood Ts 430S a Kenwood TS 680S  and a Yaesu 450 D  and an Icom 718  I run an al-80B  for power with an 80-meter Dubble Bazooka and a 40-meter Dubble Bazooka. I also have three 2-meter radios and two 440 radios and some vintage World War 2 radios. We love camping and meeting people when we can.  We are retired I am the webmaster and health and welfare manager for this net

It all started when I was ten years of age. I received a crystal radio kit, put it together (with help from my brother), and was able to hear radio stations! I am still surprised when you can change reception by moving the Cats Whisker to a different location on the little crystal! My older brother (11 years senior) was fascinated with radio, he went to a trade school and brought home a 5-watt transmitter (1947), boy, did I have fun! He received his First Class radiotelephone before he could drive and later became an Engineer at KRON TV, Chan. 4, San Francisco. I married a ham and her Dad and Mom were Hams, passed my Novice test in 1967 and I was Hooked! "Pappy" WA6QYN (SK) was my Elmer. He and I made an put up Dipole and a remotely switched vertical, Made thousands of contacts. Pappy was involved in Navy MARS and I naturally joined MARS too. His XYL is WA6RBA Thanks to WB6DFZ also. I really enjoy CW! and those Heath Kit radios were so much fun to build and operate, I had 5 of them. I have some boat anchors that I like to fire up once in a while (Drake, Heath kit, Yaesu, etc). My first Hamreciever was a Drake 2B with "Q" multiplier, and my first Xmiter, Heath Kit DX 40 with 3 crystals.

The wife Nancy and I are Full time RVrs, we live in 40 foot Motor Home. We go North for summer, South for winter and West or East in between.

Please QSL to Texas address, it is a mail forwarding service. Am also good in ARRL Burro, 3905 Century Club, Omiss, most Burros. and EQSL.

I QSL all contacts and would like to quote Professor Kenneth Jones in this regard: "The act and art of QSLing is an act of respect, unity and friendship."

Was WN6BSG in 1967. Former KE5PDM, N5SWE/XE2 in Sonora, Mexico. Married 4 kids and 5 Grandkids and counting. Retired from Union Pacific Railroad, 40 years as Locomotive Engineer. Retired Volunteer Fire Fighter and Chief. Retired Union Secretary/Treasurer.

#1 Son is KI6KQJ, #2 Son is KG7YKV, Daughter is KF7WUQ, Son in law is KF7WUR, Grandson is KI6ZGW and XXYL is WB6DFZ and her folks are both Hams.Four generations of Hams!!!!

               I have been a licensed HAM since 1976 I passed the novice class in January, 6 weeks later in February I had my advanced class, an extra class since 1980. CW was always easy for me and my main interest. Rigs include TenTec Orion II and TenTec Orion I exciters driving a Yaesu VL-1000 Quadra System, and Icom 910 for VHF and UHF.

Antennas are 3 elements SteppIR 6 through 40-meter yagi, 75/80 meter Double Bazookas, 10 ele 2-meter yagi, 19 ele 70 cm yagi, on a 52 ft motorized crank up, motorized tilt over, free-standing tower with 17ft stacking mast.

Ham Clubs that I belong to are the NWCC #1448, WCC #2302, Southern Country Cousins, Midwest Country Cousins, QCWA #33007, and FISTS #11973 cc#1907. My goal is to get my speed back up to 30 WPM good clean solid CW.

I retired in 2001 on a work-related disability from the FAA with 25 years 11 months 17 days of service. My career with FAA started as a Draftsman and Drafting Supervisor, I converted to electronics in 1980. I spent 4 yrs at a long range radar in Seattle, WA., 8 yrs working on navigational aids in southeast Wyoming, and the last 10 1/2 years at Seattle ARTCC as a NAS Specialist and NAS Operations Manager.

Prior to going to work for the FAA, I had worked in a grain elevator, a lumber yard, the oil fields in SW Kansas and Oklahoma, and 12 years in private industry as a draftsman, designer, and engineering technician.

Education includes HS Diploma, Colleges at Panhandle A&M, Kansas state college at Pittsburg, KS., 7 years at the FAA Academy in electronics and management.

Other interests include RV'ing, fishing, and spending time with my grandchildren.

My RV comes equipped with a Yaesu FT-1000 MARK V Field, Yaesu VL-1000 Quadra System, Tarheel #100 antenna for HF, and Yaesu FT857D for HF, VHF and UHF with Tarheel #100 antenna on my pickup. I do like these Tarheel antennas.

Joe K7JAL (SK)

Jesse W5JEA Son of a marine never was enlisted but it sure felt like it. Dropped out of school in 1977 got my G.E.D. in 1988 started driving a truck long haul and retired in 2018 due to an injury to my back. In the early90's I started to get my license but life got in the way. So I retired life slowed down and got my general license. moved to Texas in 2021 his wife seen above passed away from cancer

Rudy W7FCB (SK)

I bailed out of West Seattle High School in 1947. Then joined the Air Force and attended Radio/Radar school at Scott Air Force Base for 10 months. Then, off to Guam and Okinawa as Technician/Operator on SB-17 (Search and Rescue). I became OIC of WXLH (AFRS) radio station at Rycom, Okinawa, and received a field commission to Second Lieutenant.

Honorable discharge in 1950 -- got married -- opened radio and TV repair business -- sold business -- moved to Inglewood, California and worked at Hughes R&D labs as an electronic technician in semi-conductor and Laser research for 4 years. About this time, I got my ham license: K6GTB.

I moved to Seattle in 1954 and joined Boeing as an electronic engineer in BOMARC project. In 1955, transferred to Flight Test engineering certifying 707 for FAA. And about that time, I got my present call, W7FCB, Advanced class license. In 1957 transferred to BSRL (Boeing Scientific Research Labs) as a research assistant to Dr. D. Mahaffy in the field of solid-state physics and plasma physics.

In 1961, I got a divorce and decided to risk my life and become a commercial pilot/flight instructor. I did some "bush flying" in northern British Columbia and trained quite a few new pilots. During the years 1961 through 1967, I excelled as a ski bum, a womanizer, and all-around bachelor having fun. Plus, I was a pretty good dancer.

In 1968 I joined KOMO TV as a TV engineer/cameraman and producer of "Exploration Northwest" with Don McCune. Won 10 Emmy's for KOMO and two personal Emmy's and five Sigma Delta Chi awards for writing.

Retired in 1988 and got my Extra Class license. I started my own production company, "American Odyssey Productions, Inc." and produced 28 RV travel adventure shows for the Discovery Channel. Made money.

In 1999 moved to Rosalia, Washington -- bought a house -- and, I do a lot of volunteering. I do a lot of studying in Quantum Physics, Cellular Biology, ancient history, and astrophysics.

Present-time, 2009: a beautiful blonde was pounding on my bedroom door last night. I finally had to get up and let her out. The rest is history.

          Hello from Concrete, WA.

My Northwest Country Cousins member number 1764 and  

My Western Country Cousins member number 2535

Washington Information Net

Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System

I also enjoy checking in to other traffic and social nets on 75m.

Often monitor between 3.940 - 3.975

Link to my weather station.                                                                                         Skagit River @ Concrete info -

More Skagit river data

Check out my blog

Also on Twitter

Currently, my main HF rig is an Icom 7300

Currently, I have two options for HF antennas.

1. Icom AH-3 544' loop fed with 80' of 450-ohm window line.

2. FL2100b amplifier, 80m Dipole                                                                                                          Thanks for checking out my page hope to hear from you again! Catch me with the cousin's nets!


In 1987 I received my Novice call and it took me until 1999 to get my Extra. I belong to all four of the Country Cousins: freq,3.968- Northwest #907, Western #1836, Midwest #883. and the Southern Cousins #06-20. And do some relaying for the Warts Net: freq, 3.975 when I am needed. I also check in on the OEN: freq 3.980, My rig is an Icom IC 7300, IC 706, Ameritron AL-80B, PalStar AT2K tuner, ICOM SM-50 desk mic, Horse Fence antenna up about 65 feet in a redwood tree.

Jim W7ZHQ the sheriff he will give you pushups 

         I became a ham in'77 with novice and '86 I upgraded too advanced. been a welder most of my adult life and am now retired. married have 3 sons and 1 daughter. love to build antennas. also, as you can tell, I love old cars and pickups! currently workin' on a '28 Dodge 4 door. also, you may notice a new picture. This is ''bullet'' he really likes the radio shack and is in here a lot. he's not quite ready for a third party yet but, we're working on it,73's everybody, Jim 'o' buy the way we love kitty cats!!!

      Jerry KA6WYX
        Bryan KG7CUL Saturday net control
          Roy N5SWE and Nancy
Rick W7LPN and wife
  Hi everyone! Thanks for checking me out. Most call me Big Bob.

my base station is a Yaesu FT-950 with a Heil Gold Elite mic and a Heil Pro Elite headset. LOL, can't figure which I like best. Also have an Icom SP-20 speaker, Dendron MT-3000A Tuner, Astron RS-35M, Ameritron AL-80B (backup), Kenwood TL-922A amplifier all running off an 80-meter loop antenna. I also have an Icom ID-5100A for 2 meters & 70cm that I run as my base and 3 Icom IC-V8000 in the mobiles. I am using a Jetstream JTB1B as my 2 meters/70cm base antenna.

Big Bob K7RDN and wife 

update Oct2018

Thanks for looking me up today!

I'm still in the building trade, working for a great contractor for the past 14 years.

My radio shack is 100% solar-powered using 150 Watts off panels, stored in simple 6-volt golf cart batteries via Costco. Power supplies are neat, but after having three of them fail on CW nets, I gave up and went 100% DC!

Very active on HF Digi, some HF phone, and VHF/UHF FM. I almost always have an APRS rig with me pinging away. Always love getting text messages but can't really read them until I am safely parked!

Two loving cats keep me in fine company, McSlobberpuss, and Boots. They are both rescue cats, well into their adult years, but are both simply amazing and loving.

Have been very active in HF Digi modes, including voice! I'm testing FreeDV. Give it a try!
I run a Monday Digi check-in net every Monday night at 6:45 PM (Pacific time) on 3.581 USB, Usually using MFSK32 mode. I also like to participate in the ORCA net every Tuesday night at 7:30 PM on 3.581 USB.

I also have full I-Gate active for APRS. Now adding a fill-in Digi in Ferndale/Fortuna area to cover areas south of Eureka. The goal is simple, 100% comms via both RF and RF+Internet. Please join us for our weekly Emergency APRS TExT check-in net every Monday night, starting at 6:00 PM to 7:20 PM. Simply send an APRS text to ke6sls, include name and location and I will CHECK YOU into the APRS net!

I am part of a very active ham club, Humboldt Amateur Radio Club. Check out our website:                                                                                                                                                                                                               I 
edit/contribute to our newsletter. You can read up on our past activities here:

Nets I do my best to participate in are:
@ 7:00pm 146.460 FM Eureka, 146.430 FM Arcate to the north, 147.090 FM RPT Fortuna to the south, @ 6:30pm 3,955 LSB HF phone net Each Monday, @ 6:45 3.581 USB HF DIGI each Monday.
@ 7:30PM 3.581 USB HF DIGI <ORCA NET> each Tuesday, @ 7:30 3.928 LSB HF Phone each Tuesday <Mendo net>.
@ 7:00PM 145.470 <103.5> HARC net each Wednesday, # 7:30PM 146.700 <103.5> FWRA net each Wednesday.
@8:00AM 3.855 LSB Phone each Sunday Morning. Great way to keep in touch with all the hams that don't make it to Eureka so often!

73 for now

j up there or down there whatever the case may be ! California

Jay KE6SLS (sugar loves sugar)

About me, I enjoy the radio very much. My uncle (silent Keyer) was a ham operator for many years and I can remember as far back to being a little girl wanting to talk on a radio. I passed my Technician test in March 2002 and passed my General in February of 2007. I'm now studying for my Extra Class license. I'm a member of the KARS social radio club here in Kootenai county. I enjoy working communications for Iron man and a few other triathlons here in my area. I'm the net control Manager for the KARS NWTN. You can look me up at I'm a country cousin on HF 3970. Also a Western Country cousin on 3968. I belong to ARES/RACES Volunteering with EOC Fema. So I stay very busy. So if you hear me out in DX, come to say hello. 73 from Northern Idaho. Gabbee KE7ADN

K7AMS and wife
Linn AC7XO  (SK) and Maryjane
Gary KA7FQP Friday net control

Have been on the air since 1980. I have included a picture of my antenna array. I go from 75 meters to 432 with the different antennas that I have put on my 55 by 100 ft lot.

 Steve N4SMF and wife

My name is Steve, AKA: N4SMF. My wife Virginia and I live on a ridge above a little mountain town in far northern California called Weaverville. Thanks to the internet, we both telecommute so we can work from home. We work in the computer technology field.

First licensed as WN6VBB in 1973, got my general as WA6VBB in 1974, advanced a year later, ending up with amateur extra by 1976 while serving in the Navy. I also got my commercial telephone ticket while serving overseas. In 1980, I ran 650 phone patches using ham radio from the USS Nicholson (DD-982) while serving in the Mediterranean region.

Before relocating to Oregon in 1981when finishing my 6.5 year enlistment, I applied for a "7" call ending up with NN4T because my mail P.O. was in Florida at the time. I reapplied for my 7 call ending up with my current call KK7N. I have been active continuously during my 43 years as a ham.

I enjoy CW rag chewing primarily but getting my feet wet with digital modes from PSK31 to SSTV. I aIso like doing QRP CW as well as running portable when camping. I am a net control station for our local VHF and UHF (6 meter, 2 meter, and 432 MHz SSB) net which is held on Monday nights here in the Portland, Oregon area. I am also the NCS for the Northwestern Country Cousins Net (3968 KHz) on Friday evenings. You can also find me on the Dipsea Net (3940 KHz) as well mainly on the weekends. I met my XYL (KA7QHD) of 33 years here in Portland. Both of our families are from the L.A. area. Have 3 stepdaughters with 9 grandchildren. My other passions are photography, studying meteorology and stargazing. She just retired and promises that she will upgrade her ticket to general over the next year (2017). Otherwise, she isn't active at this time but slowly getting back into the hobby.

Hope to work you on the air if I haven't already. Enjoy this fine hobby, be courteous and have fun. If you QSL, I will QSL but I am slow at it I admit.

73 Mike

Jay K7WLE and shack 
7HMT Vicky Paul KF7HMS and Rusty Bear


My legal name is "Arpad" but almost everyone just calls me "John".

I was first licensed in April of 2011 at the age of 15. I upgraded to an Extra class in Feb 2012. During the 6m season, I am usually monitoring 50.125. Otherwise, I can often be found on the noontime net (7268.5KHz) on 40m or on 80m on the Northwest Country Cousins Net (3968KHz), the Western Country Cousins net (3970KHz), or the WARTS net (3975KHz)

Other things I enjoy is QRP, computer programming and building, fixing, and messing with electronics.

Originally licensed as a "no-code" and self-taught morse code.

Email is (my call)

Jim N7YN 
Nothing to see here... Just a couple of surly Pitbulls sitting on the porch

I'm Cathy's (KC7ICU) husband. Mary (KI7MZL), John(KI7WTF), James, & Dani's Dad, and Grandad to Jax, Rory, and Athena. ...and grandchild #4 due Dec2020.

Fiercely loyal to family and friends, everything is secondary to that. In other words; just another big, dumb, hillbilly. I love a good debate, I can argue either side of any issue. Give me 15 minutes to prepare, and I'll win.Topping the list of "secondary" things, I grew up on a farm in southern Ohio and moved to Arizona in 2006. I have been in the trucking and construction business all my life, as well as being a Registered Nurse and a Software analyst. Most recently, working as a Contractor/Analyst For DHS. ...Whatever it takes to make a buck, to support my gun and radio addiction.

No Shack is complete without some trip, garroting, and impalement hazards. When all else fails, shove all of the plastic radios aside, and bring out the big iron. I really enjoy these old Silver Face Yaesus. 560-600w input power has enough punch (and makes enough heat in the shack) so that you rarely need an amplifier. I have 6 of them, but often I do not have one in a fixed spot on the main desk. They are mostly tube rigs, with only a couple of transistors in the VFO and 22 tubes.
First Grandson
Yaesu also made a set of twins (FLDX400 and FRDX)in this series that worked well with the FL2000b amp. The transceivers look good with it but they will only turn Down to around 100w, Waaay too hot to drive the cute little amp. The FL101 plays well with it.
George KD7YVV used to be our webmaster
As of 03-01-2007, I've passed the Element 4 exam for Extra.

As of 03-20-2007, I've passed the VE exam.

I've been checking into various nets:

The Northwest Country Cousins Net #1514

The Western Country Cousin Net #2327

The Washington Amateur Radio Traffic System Net

The 3905 Century Club Net

The HHH Net (Got my Worked All States!)

My current equipment consists of the following:

Kenwood TS-430S HF Transceiver.

MFJ 993-B Auto antenna tuner (with LED modification)

Icom IC-92AD D-Star 2M/70cm Handheld

My latest endeavor is to collect all the grid squares of the USA.

I'm looking forward to a nice long summer of making that possible. All on 100 watts.

I'm still working towards WAS on the 3905 CCN.

Haven't done much CW, (shame on me!) but I'll probably tackle it once I'm done chasing WAS.

My QSL Card collection has grown, and I'm still loving this hobby.

I recently purchased a Xiegu Outdoor Model #X108G (max 20w) HF (0.5-30 MHz) radio with MFJ-1899T vertical and a wrist rocket installed G5RV dipole antenna (using LDG autotuner with the dipole) to carry with me on my motorcycle adventures. My first test of that little radio was on 1/24/17 using the G5RV dipole at 55 feet up in the trees. A QSO was accomplished with AD0VW and N0RFK on 80 meters from my QTH. I will be on the dirt roads and trails again when the snow melts. This radio will be used from my campsites. :-)

Update 5/21/18 - Due to the current solar minimum, I decided to see what I can do with the 2m & 70 cm repeater networks. After spending a lot of time figuring out the WINS system, IRLP, Beach Net, and the KBARA intertie using a $25 Baofeng UV-5RA (yes I can hit a lot of repeaters with it from my QTH, many of them using only 1W and my Diamond X300 dual-band antenna) I fell even further down the rabbit hole by purchasing the new Yaesu FTM-7250DR radio. I now have over 70 repeaters programmed into it that I can connect to from my QTH. That radio also added access to Yaesu's WIRES-X system. It is really neat to use IRLP or WIRES-X and get out too far distant locals via 2m or 70cm anywhere in the world with no propagation conditions!

Update 6/9/2018 - I just upped my HF game with a full legal limit 10-80m Heath kit SB-220 amplifier (I had it fully rebuilt by an expert) along with a Palstar HF-AUTO antenna tuner. I may even get around to putting up the tower I have with a beam and a 160m loop one of these days. My hobbies are motorcycles, radio control airplanes, control line airplanes, things that go bang, CB SSB radio (we have a great local group here), Honey Do's (she has put up with me for over 50 years now), and Ham radio. 7 Saturdays per week and 24 hours per day is just not enough time to do each of them as much as I would like to.

Update 11/20/2018 - I just made a quick trip to AZ (stopped by to see Dennis WB6CGJ and Roy N5SWE and had nice visits with them) to pick up a very specialized Single Track ST240 excavator that I just purchased. This machine has a 32 hp turbocharged Kubota engine and is the cat's hind leg for building or doing maintenance on my favorite single-track dirt bike trails. I ran one professionally for 5 years in the Tillamook Forest and it is the only effective way to maintain single track trails to Best Practices standards. Yep, it is really only 24 inches wide with the tracks (adjustable independently on the fly) pulled all the way in like in this picture. Max track width is 37 inches. This machine is totally remote-controlled by a wireless chest pack with two joysticks. The bucket has a thumb and the blade is a 6 way.

Above Picture- Rear view of trailer L to R: Diamond X300 antenna on 36' Push-Up-Pole (PUP); Partially extended 40' SpiderBean PUP on the front corner of the trailer in drop-in flag pole mount; Roof mount (just outside escape hatch for access)102" whip on Wolf 10-80m coil; A99 10-12M antenna on 36' PUP (stowed in travel position); In the background on left, 50' Rohn 25 tower with Moonraker 4 element beam 10 & 11m antenna with a rotor. In the background on right, 450 Ohm window line from G5RV dipole overhead.
Above Picture - Ham Shack in Toy Hauler (Top to Bottom): MFJ269 Antenna Analyzer (to tune 10-80 coils for 102" whip); Xiegu X108G QRP HF transceiver (used as an exciter for 300W low drive linear amplifier; Kenwood TS-450SAT transceiver; ICOM IC-7100 control head for HF/VHF/UHF transceiver; Magnum 257 10m radio (mounted on the bottom of the counter shelf); 300W low drive sold state HF linear amplifier; ICOM IC-7100 main transceiver unit; LDG Pro II 600W auto antenna tuner.
Lin has been interested in radio since the late 1940s when he built his first crystal set. When he was in high school, he worked for a local hardware store in their TV repair and service department.

The Navy gave Lin a few months of basic electronics training and then they sent him to Alaska. The last few months of his enlistment he worked for the Armed Forces Radio and TV Service. He picked up his first phone commercial license in 1959 and worked for three different TV stations over the years.

In 1960, Lin and Mary Jane tied the knot and it still holds tight. They have two fine children Michael and Kristi.

In 1968 Lin went into teaching and spent several years teaching and farming. After Lin retired in 1997 he went into ham radio and has enjoyed it ever since. His station, shown in the photo, includes a tri-bander, several wire antennas, tuners, TS 440, IC 746 Pro, IC V8000, Ameritron ALS 600, and a Heathkit SB220.

Mike W7KOL
Thanks For Stopping By

I've been in grain farming and cattle ranching all my life.  And an 80-meter dipole. Both antennas are fed with LMR 400 coax.

Below my farm-built version of the Zero Five. My 22 Ft Vertical for 10-17 Meters 

My Kenwood TS 520. From my SK Uncle WA7KCB. I occasionally get it warmed up and on the air. You may hear me on 40 meters from it.
W6ERM Vance  we are waiting for a bio
Bob KE7DBV's new lathe 
W7RTA Charlie 
On the air since March, 1965, when I started at age 12 as WN7CSK with a Heathkit DX-20, and Knight Kit Star Roamer on 3743 KC. I had just one crystal, made by Peterson, and the frequency I just picked at random. This placed me toward the high end of the 80 meter Novice band.

Subsequent calls were WA7CSK (1966), KT7H (1981), K7VVV (1997), and K7RA (2003). Homer Spence, K7RA, previously W7EXM, (SK), was a dear friend of mine and I feel honored to be putting his call back on the air.

Since 1991 I've written the weekly ARRL Propagation Bulletin. The bulletins are archived at

I put a coordinated 10 meter propagation beacon on the air on July 9, 2021 after several days of testing. Frequency is 28.2833 MHz, assigned by the IARU and the call sign is K7RA/B. The beacon was built by Volodymyr Skrypnyk, UY5DJ/AA7DJ and runs 11 watts into a vertical half wave dipole. If you hear it, email me a report or mail a QSL card. As Cycle 25 ramps up, I anticipate getting many more reports. Vlad does a wonderful job building beacon transmitters. Check his page here on for more into on his transmitters.

I use my nickname, Tad, on the air and in my writing.

My parents began calling me Tad when I was a babe in arms, never intending it to be my name. They were avid fans of the Pogo comic strip by Walt Kelly, a satirical and topical strip which was set among wild animals in Georgia's Okeefenokee Swamp. Pogo was a little like Doonesbury much later on. In the strip, the baby animals were referred to as the "little Tads."

I updated my name in the FCC record from Paul Cook to Paul Pakes Cook III. I did this in case I might hear from anyone who has the Pakes surname. Pakes was my paternal great-grandmother Rosa's maiden name. She and my great grandfather John Cooke came from Bow Brickhill in Milton Keynes, England. Her father owned a hat factory, but after he died, she did not get along with the man her widowed mother married. As a young teen she eloped, and she and John emigrated to Kansas after the civil war. They came from prosperous British families, but in America they lived in a sod house near Auburn, Kansas and were dirt poor the rest of their lives. Via Facebook I found a number of people with the Pakes surname, and I think they were all descended from hat makers in Bow Brickhill.

I began tinkering with electronics in the mid 70's. CB's were all the rage. I made many friends and long distance contacts back then. I lived in Florida. Skip was strong. Since, I have owned scanners and shortwave radios. Never seemed interested in getting my ham license. Over the years, I drifted from hobby to hobby. In 2014 got an itch to get my tech license. I hiked often in the back country and wanted a ht to carry with me. I should have studied for my general too. But I felt the tech was a good start. Little did I know it would be more difficult for me to study for my general in the years to come. As a tech, I didn't talked much. But I still tinkered with antennas and I loved listening to my scanner and all bands of hf. In 2018 my life changed. Diagnosed with an enlarged twisted artery in my brain. I have many symptoms from it. Two being cognitive decline and mental fatigue. I had to clinically retire from work at the early age of 55. This wasn't ever in my plan. I had to stop many physical activities I enjoyed. Hiking in the back country of Oregon being one of them. I have spent many days trying to fill the gaps of my days/weeks. Being a tech gave me some offerings for tinkering with ham gear. But it is limited.

I recently set a goal to study for my general exam. Many days, I could only study for 1/2 hr each day. I spent a couple months slowly going through the exam questions and learning as much as I could absorb. One day in March of 2021, I began taking practice tests. Some days I could not study or take the tests. But I pushed through. Steadily, my practice test scores began to climb. Each day, I focussed on the tests only. Taking breaks inbetween. Taking naps to rest my brain. I continued to push through. March 17th I woke up in the morning and took a practice test. I was feeling somewhat confident, but studying and taking practice tests were hurting my brain. So I felt it I needed to put my energy into the real test. I scheduled an online exam for the following day. I practiced a bit in the morning and rested as much as I could leading up to the test. I took the real test and got all questions correct. None of my practice tests did I get all questions right. It was a very emotional moment for me. What might be easy for some, was much more challenging for me.

Getting my general ticket has now opened many more doors for me to enjoy the hobby with the limited physical and mental abilities I now have.

My areas of interest are

Continue using Winkeyer and CW Decoder software to communicate with other CW Ops.

SOTA - I have learned there are many drive up (close) summits. I began chasing and will attempt activating.

POTA - I love getting out of the house and using my gear in parks.

Checking in on local and wide area nets

Contesting is not something my brain can handle, but I will throw my call into the hat and hopefully help some others.

My adventures blog :

Henry W7MB and Monday night net control
I go by Henry, my middle name.

As a kid I was always interested in electronics and when I wasn’t listening to the Zenith Transoceanic or an old GE tube AM radio I was tearing apart every electronic item I could find. Some got put back together but most did not.

First licensed in 1993. I mostly work HF SSB but also enjoy FT8.

Equipment in the shack is a Kenwood TS-590, Heil HM-10, Kenwood TL-922a, Palstar 1500CV all into a hombrew Cobra antenna at 50 feet.

Mobile operations are a Yaesu FT-857D, LDG Z-100, into Hamsticks throughout the bands.

QSL direct, LOTW or EQSL. If sending direct I will return 100%

Check out my weather website at

Celebrating 31 years of being licensed. cheeky

Welcome!! I'm a proud member of the North West Country Cousins, and I'm located in Grand Forks, BC. I love playing with my QRP rigs and coming up with weird and wonderful antennas that just never seem to work as expected! hihi.

Recently, I've also been helping the Western Social Net as a relay station. We can be found on 7230KHz on Sundays. Starting at 1 pm Pacific. This is a fun net, as you're more than just a check-in. It's a place where you can make new friends, get signal reports, advice on how to improve your station, or just let us know how you're doing. Hope to hear you on the net!

My station is powered by solar power, because it is one of the cleanest (in the terms of RF) that you can get, and I focus my efforts on receiving signals, rather than being the loudest station out there. As a general rule, if the sun is shining, I'll be transmitting with about 55 watts. If It's not sunny, or I'm on late, I'll be on battery where I'll only be able to punch out about 45 watts. That shouldn't make too much of a difference, but sometimes every milliwatt helps. My Amplifier is the "FatRat" OGS-50W. For more information on this amplifier, you can look up my YouTube videos. (I'm Tom's Workshop on there.)

On occasion, I'll be joined in my ham shack by my lovely wife, Shawna, VE7BTO. She's very shy and although quite competent with radio theory, she's still learning how to not be shy, and the operations of HF equipment.

So, this is my favorite radio, the iconic RS-918, and yes, the Chinese knock-off of the mcHF radio by M0NKA. It's connected to an equally excellent ATU-100 antenna tuner. During the summer there's nothing better than setting up outside of the ham shack, cracking a beer, and trying to make some contacts. (Other radios include Yaesu FTdx400 and FT401Bs - Not used often.)

This is my 70' random wire "electric fence" antenna. It's fed via a 1:9 unun, with a 25' counterpoise. It's an interesting experience operating with this antenna. It's very far-sighted. Trying to make contacts within my province and northern Washington proves to be a challenge on 80 meters. However, Alaska, Oregon, and California might as well be right in my backyard, when the band plays nice! This antenna will soon be replaced with a similar one, but more than twice as high off the ground.

If you want a good laugh, look up Isotron antennas. However, the jokes on them - I stuck a 36" rod off the top of mine, and it can work most of BC just fine. So, when trying to keep things local, this is my antenna of choice. ;)

My name is Bearpaw. I use my middle name as this is the name my Grandfather gave me. I love radio. I've been around radio since I was a young boy. You can find me on HF mostly. I'm a country cousin. Thanks for stopping by.

Was also our webmaster and did a great job

K7ORV Dave the motorbike and off-road vehicle guy

Jesse W5JEA 

Bill N7PJT


Mike KK7N

K7RA Tad