QST! QST! QST! Calling all Northwest Country Cousins -- This is station CALLSIGN, Cousin NAME, located at YOUR QTH. Your net control for the Northwest Country Cousins. We meet at 7:00 PM Pacific time each evening on or near the frequency of 3968 kHz.Our motto is: "Service and help to all. When in need call a country cousin."This is not a traffic net but emergency traffic will be handled, and breaks will be recognized when your call sign is given. Visitors are welcome and membership in the Northwest Country Cousins requires four out of five consecutive check-ins on the same night of the week. The officers of the net are: President: Cousin Henry W7MB Vice President: Cousin Klaus AC7MG
Secretary/Treasurer: Cousin Jim W7ZHQ
The Health and Welfare Manager and Webmaster is cousin Paul KF7HMS our website is at nw7cc.info or you can just put Northwest Country Cousins into your browser and it should pop up
This is station CALLSIGN now listening for mobile or emergency-powered stations only. Please come in with your callsign. [Ask for any relays]
This is station CALLSIGN calling for the Net Secretary/Treasurer report.
This is station CALLSIGN calling for the health and welfare Manager's report.
Are there any filles required for this/these health and welfare projects?
If any station has new health and welfare please call our Health and Welfare Manager cousin Paul, KF7HMS, or the best way is to send him the info in an email he is good on QRZ.
This is station CALLSIGN calling for stations with net business only!
This is station CALLSIGN, Cousin NAME now calling for net members only. Please come in with your callsign and number. (Acknowledge those logged. Ask for any relays) Take the first group, then call for check-ins again. Always acknowledge those logged. (Ask for relays after each group) And after all the members have checked in call for strikers and then visitors
you only have to say it once 10 minutes before you shut down the net postamble: we meet starting at 7:00 PM Pacific time each evening on or near the frequency of 3968 kHz. Our motto is: "Service and help to all when in need call a country cousin."
The Northwest Country Cousins network meets each evening at 7:00 PM, Pacific Time, on or near the frequency of 3968 kHz.
Our motto: "Service and help to all, when in need call a country cousin."